>>13188908The bible is written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit, that cannot lie, first and foremost. What is written in the bible is true, the event happened. The supernatural miracles such as physical healing happened.
Another reason why you should take the bible LITERALLY, and truly believe there was an actual ship like Noah etc even though it might seem unlikely and even silly to high IQ academics, you must understand God better.
God hates pride, and he is opposed to prideful people.
Excerpt from James 4:6
>"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.…"God is not a respector of persons, high IQ individuals, academics, materialistic wordly people who care more about approval from fancy men like Richard Dawkin or the board of harvard, nobel prizes etc, these are extremely prideful men who lean on their own understanding, instead of humbling themselves and turn to God.
Alot of well educated men will burn in hell, like that cripple with the robot voice.
God does not want to spend eternity with prideful people who will betray him like lucifer did. See what happened to prideful lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15
God wants to spend eternity with lowly, meek, humble people who have gratitude and love God, and will be a servant to him forever. God prefers illiterate brown farmers who always obey him and love him, over stubborn high IQ academics who still believe in evolution or transgenderism etc