>>19439847Nikki folds her arms. “And that that just loops back to feeling like you want Carmody to replace me. I’ll show you that I’m fit to be your right hand. I’ll show myself I can be even more than that. But the only way I can do that is if I strike out on my own for a bit, you know? Instead of leaning on you guys all the time. So that’s why I’m moving out. I’m not leaving the Divine Angels or anything crazy, I just want to stand on my own and be a better, stronger person.”
Nikki chuckles “I uhh, I was thinking of asking Sheila if I could move in with her for a while but, I mean, that just shows my problem doesn’t it? My first thought was to trade one support system for another.”
Nikki shakes her head. “So I did some research about getting my own place. I could probably afford a mansion of my own by now with all the Lonelyfans money, but I just want to try a simple life again, you know? So the place I got is nothing special, but it’s shit or anything either. Just a normal, average place to live. One of those houses that’s like connected to another one, I don’t remember the word for those but I hope my neighbour is cool. Now I just have to pay a deposit, but that’s easy. And the area has a lot of students apparently, so there’ll be plenty of people my own age around.” Nikki smiles. “Maybe I’ll make some new friends. But you guys will always be my closest ones.”
Nikki hugs Colby, then hugs Priscilla. “I hope you understand Madame Divine. I promise that I’ll come back eventually, and when I do, I’ll be a better person. And it’s not like I won’t still be around sometimes. I’ll come visit you guys, you know I can’t stay away from those pools. And once I’m all set up, I’d love if you all came over to visit my new home.”
"Now, did either of you bring me a change of clothes? I've been stuck in my ring gear since yesterday and it's ripe enough at this point that the simps online would pay more than a small fortune for a sniff."