>>10649258 >[...] ouR desCendANTS mAy Be NoT JUsT sUpERinteLlIGeNt bUT sUpErSeNTieNt - bLEsSEd wITh The CAPAciTY to SHift BeTwEen a mULtituDE OF raDICALly diffEREnt mODES OF CoNSCiouSnesS wHoSE ONlY coMMON IngrEDIEnT IS thE mOLEcuLAR SignatuRe OF BlisS. PosThumaN mastery of RewArD CIrcuitRY WiLL LET theM sAFelY exPLoRe PSYcHEdeliA In A way most huMAns BeiNgS Don't DaRe.