>>20511841https://twitter.com/wilderpatriot/status/1791279578339524787 Millennial women mapped out this life plan for themselves almost immediately after coming of age in their early to mid teens where anything stable was put on the back burner while they spent 20 years freewheeling it, "seeing the world", "finding themselves" as they put it. Hookups with cocky unreliable men, partying, mischief, college, drugs, travel, new jobs, new cities, new circles, new love, just constantly telling the blackjack dealer of life to hit them thinking they'd never bust. Men and their elders warned them against it because it's always done with the assumption that there would be a comfortable off-ramp for them when they're ready to settle down, but nothing is guaranteed in life, certainly not that far in advance. They refuse to listen, they think everyone is just trying to control them and stop them from living their lives. We're now seeing the fruits of millennial women pushing this plan as far as it can go and what little is left for those who wait. It's worse than there being nothing for them. They know there are eligible men their age, single even, but they know they aren't what these men want anymore. It's a hard pill to swallow when you coasted through life always feeling like you turned every head in the room, knowing you use to be that hot 24 year old, knowing those hot 24 year olds are still turning the heads of men your age. They look over their past like some shitcoin bag holder, languishing over when the best time to buy or sell would've been. They have nothing left but to mull over their life decisions and admonish those who are still in the game. In the game, they're not. They've been benched, and it mortifies them.