>>18667937>that could provide her the lifestyle she thought she deserved even though she's a complete bum. Last I heard she moved back home with her parents.Same exact story here - This kind of hyper-entitled and spoiled hypergamous mindset has become extremely common with womemes in the last decade or so, and it's one of the main reasons the redpill has become mainstream.
When you point this discrepancy out to these entitled whores, they get pissy towards you or just ignore it.
They all have princess complex from social media addiction/male attention on tap, LARP as "classy" while actually in debt and still living with their parents and think they're 9-10/10's that deserve to get with a top 10% guy even though they themselves are 4/10s or 3/10s that bring nothing to the table besides their (used-up, blown-out, STD-ridden) pussies and rapidly depreceating looks + fertility.
The hillarious thing is that getting pumped and dumped by a Chad once doesn't make them adjust their behaviour at all, if anything they'll chase after Chad and ignore the other 80% of men even harder.
Then they start to hit the wall and Chad ignores them completely so they become bitter feminists and uglify themselves on purpose with tatoos and so on - If Chad won't have me, no man can have me! Nu-uh, i won't settle down for my looksmatch. I'm sure future historians will pinpoint out-of-control hypergamy as one of the root causes for the collapse of western civilization