They only complain when MEN of European genetics do it. Every race on the planet supports, hires, buys from, and displays in-group preference. The solution to our dwindling numbers is not the easy path but the path of determined action. All of your problems, whatever they may be, can be remedied through adopting MASCULINITY as your religion. Whomever your God may be, he must be STRONG AND MASCULINE. Jesus was strong, forgiving, gentle and patient, yet always remember that he prayed to the FATHER. Fathers love is conditional. ALLAH means the same thing as ABBA, which is FATHER.
There is nothing wrong with embracing your own. Every race does it. Do not give up. Women are attracted to MASCULINITY, just as you are attracted to femininity. Women LOVE strong, men of European ancestry so long as they are wholly masculine. Foremost this means NOT being NEEDY. Women are needy. Like space, it must be filled. Today this error is rampant.
To begin, you must engage your ACTIVE principle and conquer first your physical and emotional attributes. Pragmatically speaking this means 1. you must utterly control your diet, building on as natural and unprocessed food as you can acquire. Most food today is lacking minerals and trace minerals are key because we are bio-electric beings. Distilled water has no minerals and it won't pass an electric current; sea water is the most electrically conductive water; get it? You can supplement this with WILD food; if you want an actual mineral supplement it should be liquid form. When it comes to plants, raw is best. Meat should be cooked. 2. When learning to control your emotions, remember that it is perfectly healthy to feel them, even deeply, but you must utterly control them. 3. READ BOOKS. 4. DO IT, though dedication, not motivation.
There's nothing "racist" or "supremacist" about wanting to support your in-group. Please contribute and have a very nice day.