I made a play card template, so let's make some /bant/ themed play cards.
- Do not change the resolution (IMPORTANT*)
- Always save as a PNG
- Title background should be the most used and characteristic color of the source image (in my case, Apu Apustaja's most characteristic color is green, in Cirno's case it would be blue), it also should be bright so that the font color can be black, and it should be a gradient
- You need to use the "Open Sans Bold" font for the title and "Open Sans" for abilities
- Abilities background should be the same color used in the title background, but much darker, so that the text can be white, and this background also should be a gradient (because gradients look cool and deal with it)
- You should add some weak radial gradient behind your character, and some shadow (GIMP offers a filter for that)
*Do not change the resolution, because when you stack 4 of those cards 4 times in a row and 4 times in a column, the total size of the image will match the size of an A4 paper sheet, so you can print them easily.
Pic related is an example of a properly made card. You can get the template from here (open it with GIMP):