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memeflags. subversion. censorship. fraud. mimicry. showbiz. porn. transgenderism. diaspora. replacement. globohomo. desecration. catastrophic hubris.
cool it with the antisemitism, right? of course that's who i must be talking about. it certainly was the way of things for a long time, there's no denying. you knew exactly who was "behind this post." but something changed in 2023, around the same time israel showed signs of internal kvetching with protests and dissent. the /pol/ catalog took a quality dive that was hard to ignore. it was distinctly more stupid and tiresome than normal. more infested with memeflags than ever before. an environment relapsed into ruin, echoing the most dismal of times, stinking with the ignorant pollution of unlurked, scripted posers.
what had happened was, the jews commissioned a new halfwit rookie shill mercenary army to cover for them. the show must go on, you see, no matter how poorly. /pol/ can't be allowed to relax just because the jidf's turnover increases. not when there's a widely available resource even cheaper than AI, and even more irritating for its absolute lack of standards. so they tapped into a vast worldwide population of eager servants much more affordable, obedient and disposable than anything israel could ever muster from its own ranks. now everywhere you go, you will be up to your nostrils in these corny, shameless wannabes