>>10713221>What exactly are you hoping to achieve here?I dunno. There's no grand scheme, if that's what you're asking. Guess I was just tired of being another faceless anonymous.
>What keeps the likes of us here I don't know.It takes a certain person to like it, and a certain level of masochism to put up with the shit that goes down. It's honetly a testament to people that such a place could form in what is essentially a sewer within a sewer.
>I didn't mean to say that it was an alternative networkOh, right. It's just a shame it has such a bad rep or it'd be more viable. It'd help if they tried to do some kinda cleanup effort to make it more attractive for the average person and advertizers. Don't see that happening, though. Also, I sometimes read that there're active imageboards there, but they don't usually say which ones. Muh sekrit klub and all that.
>You can find pedo forums on the clearnet?Depends on what you mean by 'pedo'. The orbiting boards could be construed that way, though they delete explicit cp.
>Do you believe in the conspiracies about how many of the elites are pedophiles?Not really, no. The Epstein thing raised my eyebrow, though. I just don't think it's what some people make it out to be. Human traficking, however, is a bigger deal than most people realize. It wouldn't surprise me if people with influence keep it under wraps, either. Who knows.