saw this after you talked about traveling to the future
the future is now>April 17, 2022>AI-based technology developed by Intel with Class, which runs on top of Zoom ... can detect whether students are bored, distracted or confused by assessing their facial expressions and how they’re interacting with educational content.>Intel’s student engagement analytics technology ... captures images of students’ faces with a computer camera and computer vision technology and combines it with contextual information about what a student is working on at that moment to assess a student’s state of understanding.>...>But critics argue that it is not possible to accurately determine whether someone is feeling bored, confused, happy or sad based on their facial expressions or other external signals.>Some researchers have found that because people express themselves through tens or hundreds of subtle and complex facial expressions, bodily gestures or physiological signals, categorizing their state with a single label is an ill-suited approach. Other research indicates that people communicate emotions such as anger, fear and surprise in ways that vary across cultures and situations, and how they express emotion can fluctuate on an individual level.>...>AI-based software has been used more often than ever during the pandemic, including technologies that monitor student behavior in the hopes of preventing cheating during virtual testing and systems that track content that students view on their laptops in an effort to detect whether they are at risk of self-harm.>“There’s never one piece of data,” [said Michael Chasen, co-founder and CEO of Classroom Technologies]. He also suggested that the information revealed by the Intel technology should not be used on its own without context to judge a student’s performance, such as, “if the AI says they’re not paying attention and they have all straight As.”