>>10870427It's an /int/ thread that spawned from /leftoidpolshit/ subhumans as part of their pathetic, miserable LARP in raiding the boards. If it was /pol/ this would've been detected. Notice how the ilk all type a certain way that reeks of L*ddit? The moles shitposted this thread and then artificially bumped it by swarming it and creating a circlejerk sucking each other off like the trannoids they are because their thread quality is always unintentional-shitpost levels of low and thus never gets genuine responses. With their ideology also comes inherent autism and double-digit IQ, so are incapable of actually pulling off infiltration. If you see posts all of a sudden with shameless, copious amounts of leftoid rhetoric (like the host subhuman that a fellow subhuman even revealed as being "based and redpilled" openly communist advocacy), chances are you're witnessing one of these subhumans in function, considering the fact it's foreign to 4chan. Some of these despicable dregs lurk on this undead dogshit board too and Will make abnormally normalfagged and retarded posts in order to astroturf this thread in an effort to keep it alive. This has been going on for months now but it's really gone full schizoid in the recent weeks because the disgusting rats are sensing danger from the approaching election and lashing out. Not bothered nor believe the orcs' unmaintained, irrelevant site that only a hundred subhumans browse is worth giving clicks to to provide a screenshot essentially confirming everything I've said and that this isn't some schizo cope crying wolf, but if need be, I will.