>>18743270>[LILLITH puts what could be called the small silo down with a heavy clunk, and rolls her neck and shoulders, opening and closing her hands a few times. A voice from behind gets her attention. An unfamiliar voice, though similar to one she has heard around the Dojo training floor in the past. LILLITH turns and takes a second to scan the -- new trainee? Doubtful. New trainer? That’s a possibility, but LILLITH doesn’t quite get that feeling from her. Their eyes meet. Did you know LILLITH doesn’t blink? Now you do.]“. . .”
>[So far as LILLITH is able, the neurons are firing on all cylinders. White clothes, white jacket -- could be The Crown? No, hair is dark. Not Blonde Girl; not New Girl; not Jacket Girl. Could be Boy Girl from plane? No, this one is wearing eye circles. But hair wrong colour to be Loud Girl from last three fight three match. LILLITH has seen News Girl practice with Boy Girl for fight with Purple Girl. That only leaves...]>[As Colby says they have not met, LILLITH makes a mental note to remember Head Girl.]“LILLITH THINK YOU TALK ABOUT PINK GIRL. SHE LAST HERE BEFORE JACKET GIRL FIGHT. THINK MAYBE LOSE FIGHT. NOT BACK AT FIGHT HOUSE YET.”
>[Greatly unhelpful, LILLITH begins to cook... something. Colby is welcome to stay if she wants -- LILLITH has learned the value of cooking with friends -- but this is ‘cooking’ in name only.]>[Dog snorts in the corner, and if you were crazy enough to believe it, you’d be forgiven for thinking she stuck her tongue out at Colby before once again turning her back in a huff. What’s this kid’s problem?]