*While an anxious crowd eagerly awaits the next WWA show to begin, they are suddenly greeted by a familiar theme*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es9Mv13JwDE*Karna, finally recovered and flanked by C.A.M.O. and Mare Equine, makes her way down to the ring*
A couple of weeks ago, I foolishly decided to take on “you-know-who” by myself, and how did that end up? Yeah, long story short, Dr. Sorass’ “finest” creation got the better of me and now apparently, she’s more…stable...thanks to my...blood? Hmph, hard to tell with that face that only a mother could love! You’re going to pay for all that torture you put me though, one day! Because speaking of “stable”, there is no way that I’m running into any fray alone anymore! I offered to keep Warhorse alive with Mare, and now with C.A.M.O. back…I intend to bolster it! That’s right, Warhorse is now THREE!
If they want my assistance, they got it! They want relief so one of them can handle business elsewhere? They got it! And the same goes the other way around! FREE! BIRD! RULES! In this crazy-ass business, you gotta watch your back, as well as the ones closest to you! So let my return put anyone who wants to mess with us ON NOTICE! Be it Sorass, The Immaculate Connection, any government agency that decides to stick their nose in, anyone! I may not be the best in the world, but I intend to reach that height! Be it as a team or solo in the ring…but NEVER alone! NEVER AGAIN!