>>9166096im not black retard. But you are lonely and unloved beta retard. You dont know jack shit faggot, cant even get yourself a gf
>>9166096LOL what a dumb fucking MONKEy. You think we started out in frozen europe you dumb fucking retard? Hey moron why do black people have big ass noses? Whats the reason for that? You retard you came from blacks and have smaller noses because of NATURAL SELECTION. Your big nose ancestors died off when the winter came and only those with the genes for narrow noses and thin lips survived. Fucking brainlet pleb. LArp some fucking more.
Your hubris is cute sad little emo boy.
Now come get btfo by evidence little larping shitstain.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD_WuRZkbCQ [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVvdvMDWbhQ [Embed]