>>21296006>>21297913"Oi, nah, dun' worry about it, kid. We's awl make dumb mistakes, yeah? Ba-soids, it's good ta ess-press yaself sometoims. Corl dis one a *learnin' 'speerience*. Orright, Oi'll be back, love. Ya know, Oi ain't torked much wiff Kazoo eye-vah. Youse kids just warkin' up ta us old cunts orlways sah-proyses me. Inna good way, mostly."
Sheila glances at Kelly's phone -- where has she been keeping it? -- and chuckles softly.
"Youse fucken horndog. Oi, ya comin' Auntie Sheils' needs some fucken drink."
>[As Anna wanders off to lay low, Sheila begins heading toward the bar and finds herself surprisingly nervous. She really hadn't said much to Kasumi, or Miss O'Brian, or KASUMI -- even when they were in the cage at Bishoujo, it was far more business than pleasure. But this new version of... whoever this person was felt more... fuck, approachable?]Pulling up next to KASUMI, Sheila awkwardly clears her throat. She doesn't know how to start this conversation, so intending to match KASUMI's energy, Sheila orders and downs a few shots of her own.
"Aww fuck moy dead. Dat is good shit. Oi, barcunt, anuvva cuppla shotties 'ere. Fah bofe-a us. Chuck 'em on Doona's tab, we's pretty much besties. Yeah, nah, it'll be foin. Trus' me, mate."
"So, uh, Kazoo. Foightin' Doons, hey? Dat's pretty fucken woild. Oi'm ack-shally koinda jell-uss. Orlwaya wann'ed ta smash tits wiff 'er. Or team, Oi guess."
". . ."
"So we's ain't torked much, mate. Oi guess Oi jus' wanna let ya know Oi ain't troyin' ta take Kelsie or nuffin', yeah? Loik, dah Beachy-jo cage cunt fing was just helpin' 'er out, and den dis tag toitle stuff koinda happened from nowhere. Loik, Oi ain't no Widdy-may-kah, and Kelsie and Oi ain't even got a tag name or nuffin. Summin loik... down undah... Instant Bombshells... DiVanna... Outback Replays... Oi dunno. Anywho, nah, yeah. Just, loik, yeah. Nah. Ya know?"