>>1580600Throughout history whites have always been a race of bloodthirsty psychopaths. They traveled all over the globe looking for land to claim, resources to steal and people to subjugate. They established empires based off of this exploitation of people of color. The industrial revolution allowed them to elevate themselves above the rest of the world in terms of living standards and to establish great armies which we saw clash in World Wars past. The pinnacle of the white man's war machine is the hydrogen bomb. Just one bomb could vaporise an entire city. At this point, it would be natural to assume that whites have won. People of color lost and if we ever tried to stop the white man and his evil ways, they would vaporise us in an instant. While this is true, the white man has a weakness and we have a weapon which is more powerful than any h-bomb could ever be if we use it correctly to exploit that weakness. This weakness is white guilt. The white man feels burdened by his atrocities committed against our people. He now shows a generous nature by letting us live in his prosperous nations. At a glance, it seems as if all is well and we have been repaid for sins committed against our people but the reality is: people of color are not treated as equals in the white man's land. If we were ever to stand up for ourselves, we would face police brutality and an unfair trial. This is negated by our ultimate weapon: BBC. Big black cock is so superior to the white man's pudgy little dough dick. Once the white woman tastes BBC, she will crave it as she would cigarettes. More and more white women are choosing to breed with BBC everyday. BBC destroys empires from within more than any h-bomb ever could. I laugh at you white man. Build the ultimate war machine all you want. Be like America and waste all of your money on war. At the end of the day, you will lose to us and our ultimate biological weapon.