Anonymous (ID: GEAEek6v) 09/06/19(Fri)17:53:13 No.8685843▶
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>>Anonymous (ID: MUMJmqSu) 09/06/19(Fri)17:46:18 No.8685830▶
>>8685838>>8685824Why you concerning about mensa in thread about how to fix society?
>>Anonymous (ID: GEAEek6v) 09/06/19(Fri)17:48:58 No.8685832▶
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>>Anonymous (ID: MUMJmqSu) 09/06/19(Fri)17:41:22 No.8685823▶
>Low IQ apes ruined this thread as well as society. That a picture, they just can't btfo and be silent. Well fuck this planett. 153iq guy
>>Anonymous (ID: WxOVddv5) 09/06/19(Fri)17:42:46 No.8685824▶
>IQ societies are really the worst form of circle jerking. Stop acting like a high IQ makes you a supreme being, it's only a measurement of how well you do with logical and mathematical problems. Mensas IQ test is just about recognizing patterns for example.>You could literally be considered "retarded" and still do well on a IQ test>>Anonymous (ID: WxOVddv5) 09/06/19(Fri)17:51:30 No.8685838▶
>>8685830>thread about high IQ>pic of mensa-fag bragging about membership>OP references >130 IQ limit of mensa>> Anonymous (ID: IddbIdBn) 09/06/19(Fri)17:57:18 No.8685851▶
as a 140 IQ genius your outing yourself as a brainlet for being a ''member'' in m*nsa
>> Anonymous (ID: WxOVddv5) 09/06/19(Fri)18:03:24 No.8685860▶
>>8685842Can you say that again with less broken English please?