>>8529825Usually I'd just sage and mention that the OP has only one post, but since you actually stayed in your thread to continue posting, I'll try to summarize it to you.
> compare macroeconomic development of country during colonization/white occupation to development before it started or after it ended> realize that the moment Whitey is gone, everything gradually goes to shit and the only difference between countries lies in how quickly that happens> monitor accounting and numbers of large and small businesses> map them out with increasing sample sizes> begin to notice a pattern> the lower the percentage of White high-ranking personnel, the more money vanishes and the lower quality and quantity of the services or goods the company gets> begin to track back the histories of different countries> realize a lot of countries that have gone to shit later on but originally had high civilizations, were originally White ethnically, but turned darker and darker over time due to immigration and white flight> across subject matters and aspects of life, one single constant remains at all times:> Whenever there is anything of value to be had, its quality is shouldered by Whites or Asians. And the moment they're gone, everything goes to shit. TL;DR: Imagine a world without all the things you take for granted. No solid housing beyond straw huts, no hygiene products, no medicine, no electricity, computers, video games, paper, art, abundance of food, safety dialed back to a level where you have to genuinely worry every day that your literal neighbours might assault and kill you just so they can eat your corpse. Endless misery all around and no escape from it, since the people that used to make that misery go away, have been genocided and genocide is irreversible. Welcome to a world without White people.
> b-but muh east AznsLurk moar, Asians are being genocided the exact same way. They'll be gone just as much.