>>8940069For the chap that wanted the story.I wrote it out but the thread died.
>>230803319So, I met this guy in jail.
ENTJ. We become friends.
He has a place in upper WA and I was going to stay at it to take care of it while he went on his sailboat he bought.
Well turns out he hasnt bought the sailboat yet, okay fine. Ill help with moving his stuff. Meet his friends, and we click. Real great guys.
So im there helping him with the moving packing, and his mom. Which was an invalid. Now, he was never abusive to her. Not that I saw. But he was not nice. or sweet at all to her. He had lots of resentment cuz she was a cunt apparently, at least to him. sweet to me and everyone else. So he finally buys the boat and it times to leave to southern cali. Now at this point, he is asking me to stay with him and his mom on the boat. He was gonna "Sail the world" With his invalid mom, and no sailing experience. I agree because why not, he has been fair with me, and it might be a fun experience. So we start our journey. Him and his invalid mom being driven by our friend trailing a trailer with tons of worthless junk on it. And me driving his truck following behind.
He is just being a complete dick to everyone the whole trip...which was from upper WA to about 10 minutes from Mexico. Three days. He promised to pay for EVERYTHING, food hotel etc. We stayed one night in a hotel but slept in the vehicles the rest of the time.We had one meal, two sandwiches, and a pizza the whole time. We finally get there, and we have to find a storage place for all this worthless crap he brought that wouldnt fit on a 30ft sailboat..It was logistically a nightmare and just all around horrible. And finally I tell him Im not staying, that he was a dick and I knew his whole plan was to just get someone down there with him. He never had any intention on letting me stay at his place. I said fuck you, stared at him, he cried. 60 year old bear of man...cried. I smiled, and left.