>>3502081/bant/'s history manages to fit in a lot of information in spite of being the youngest board on the forum by virtue of the fact that people care to record it, but a rough beginning:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIjiQsXU5MgIt is late April. /pol/ is still running high off the 2016 elections, bringing in hundreds of new users each day and thousands each month through word of mouth, including people who don't care about politics. This causes the board to overflow with off-topic threads, causing someone in the moderation ranks to think of making a new board to send all these new users. A thread is opened to suggest a name for this board.
Meanwhile, there is great change across the rest of site. /qa/ is reeling from the events of the aftermath of /mlpol/'s destruction and subsequent attempted occupation of the board. A conflict between /qa/natives which were largely ex-/jp/ users and both /pol/ and /mlp/, people off-board were brought along to support both sides including the King of Game's own followers, those who post Cirno. The Cirno posters saw good in both sides and for that were shunned even after the unfreezing and restoration of /qa/'s functions. Feeling unwelcome by those they formally called brothers(sisters?) in arms, a large amount of them seek out a new place to call home after /jp/'s previous draconian moderation years back kept them from realizing their dreams in chasing digits there.
/a/ is suffering from a change in culture as moderation is tightened after many complaints about the generals present there, in spite of the fact that generals are technically not allowed on /a/. Mods previously based in /jp/ are moved to deal with the situation. There is a need to deal with the situation, but nobody has good answers.
/b/ is terrible as usual and most people agreed it would never unJUST itself from the fappening in 4chan's lifetime, yet craved something similar to its pre-porn existance to post in...