Quoted By:
Its been a while but another dumb change on Twitch
>Started a partnership with Streamelements
>Slowly getting rid of bounties(playing certain games for 2 hours or longer for potential BIG payout)
>Bounties will be replaced with "sponsorships" ala Streamelements
>Currently its only mobile game slop or shitty gimmicks like hello fresh 2 meal services sponsored by Streamelements
>Twitch once again will take out the lion's share of the payout, streamer may be a small slice of the pie like they did with bounties
>Streamers already speculate this is a desperate move for Twitch to make some profit while whole business is tanking still from adpocalypse
>Streamelements also known to screw over people that were already in a partnership prior to deal with Twitch(BAD customer service, outsourced to jeets, lying about base pay, etc.)
Yeah my AMZN bags are getting bigger kek