>>12909540yes, there were people annoyed by everyday ttrya threads but that's what had to happen in order for this to become a general
a lone general though
only us and couple of visitors
I don't think I ever saw a man try to start a ttrya thread except that one imposter with Croatia proxy (unless he was a croat)
>foreverit will be brittle then
>face to facelike... ever? that's prolly hawking, close to being a predator simp for an autist in a different land they can move to/have a foreign so that will move in with them and stay due to greencard etc
though you and me both know those relationships are seldom, short lasting and those that do last usually have commitment level on par with regular relationships as long ss there are some stuff happening like sending gifts, letters, talking through video calls so on and so forth
>little sisteroniichan help me I'm stuck