>>5132152Israel has been laid to waste several times, and the world did just fine in its absence. SEVERAL nations have destroyed you and walked. Or did you forget you Khazars manipulated your way into getting a flag only 70 years ago? Also, I like how you completely tried to ignore
>YOUR people spread pornography and degeneracy, incite nations to war against each other, lie in the media and in politics, are notorious lovers of money, are behind a global genocide effort to eliminate an entire people, and have zero qualms about murdering children to "protect" your ever-expanding, illegitimate borders. Now whom do you suppose serves Satan?As though I never even said it.
Do you honestly believe, after Israel has been delivered over to its enemies and destroyed so many times, that you can commit all those crimes I mentioned and still just walk right into Heaven? Do you really think that God would exile Israelites, send them into slavery, and allow their temples to be obliterated because you suffer no consequences for your actions? You have been sold a bill of goods, my friend, and the cost will be immeasurable. To presume you have a free pass which allows you to stand above God's law puts you EQUAL with your father, Lucifer, who himself tried to become like the Most High, and paid the price.