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I never believed that the September deadline in the red deer copypasta would happen, but goddamn it will happen at one point or another just based off of my interaction while driving in the past two months.
>I see at least 3 people parked on the side of the road every time I drive up and back to school now
>I've been almost rear ended 3 times and t boned another from people who at a glance were giving thousand mile stares
>Over the past two months I've seen 20 accidents in total on the road, ranging from fender benders to outright car pile ups with fatalities with fire trucks and ambulances
>People I've carpooled with who are vaxxed seem to drive shittier than they used to now for some reason, there is a noticeable delay in their responses that they can't explain
>Even though I speed somewhat on the road, there are people in 55's who have passed me doing 80's and 90's while I sit back at 65, never seen a pullover for some reason
You people keep saying it isn't happening when it already is, it just blends in to someone who couldn't give less of a shit about the passing day to day commute of their lives.