>>16190276Fuck off, JIDF.
>>16190275>Christians against JudaismDoes the average christian normie of 2022 even have a clue that jew religious teachings claim that Jesus is in hell, “boiling in feces” for all eternity for his “crimes” against the jew?
Also, Jesus wasn't a jew. And Mary was from Galilee, not Judea, obviously also not a jew. In the Book of Isaiah, Galilee is called 'g'lil ha-goyím' i.e. the “Land of the Goyim” due to the non-jew settlement policies of the neo-assyrian empire.
The purposeful subversion and destruction of christianity (originally an utterly anti-jewish movement) from within by jews post-WW2 is one of the most subversive things they have done. Jesus, born to Mary in Judea who then found true God and rejected judaism and named the evils of the "synagogue of satan", is maybe the only other person jews hate more than mustache man himself. A must watch documentary for any christians ITT:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cVL0ViBB7E Readings: