>>14942709What is "Impulse Control".
You seem to have a problem to control your impulses.
You need to go on a Dopamine Fasting period, where you learn to contain your urge for easy and quick release of dopamine.
Liste to this very carefully:
- Bad Happiness = Instant Gratification.
Porn is an Easy Instant Dopamine release.
View is as "A Shortcut to Happiness", where ANY shortcut to happiness = BAD.
Good Happiness = Fulfilment = Delayed Gratification.
You need to udersrtand this basic concept :
>Instant Gratification = BAD>Delayed Gratification = GOOD.Do you want to live your life like a Heroin addict? You're just like a drug addict who's drug of choice is pornography.
Just like Shooting Heroin, that instant Gratification is BAD for you.
Delayed Gratification on the other hand is what you should seek.
Putting effort, putting time, planning, strategizing, will make you FULFILLED.
Fulfilment is the Hhigher form of Happiness.
Also look into ADHD diagnosis.
People with ADHD have Addictive personalities, and will ALWAYS favor Instant Gratification over Delayed Gratification.
Look into this.
The Internet, New Media, shortens the cycke of reward by a lot.
You're used to have instant access to dopamine, through your internet browsing.
Free yourself from Short-Term / Instant Gratification into Long-Term Delayed Gratification.
It's not going to be Easy to resist your own urges, but it will work.
Also :
Learn to Fap with NoPorn.
NoFap is a Meme.
NoPorn is The Way
ONLY Fapping using your imagination will put a natural barrier of effort between You and The Dopamine.
Also limit yourself to 1 fap / day
So recap :
- NoPorn.
- 1 fap / day
- Impulse control
- Delayed gratification
- No Instant Gratification
- Follow SIG (Self-Improvement Generals)
- Come over to /fit/
- Optional : Get Checked by a shrink, you might have ADHD or something else causing you to be easily addicted.
If all else fails, see pic related