>>19470726The Greeks entered Greece in the range of 2100-1600 BC depending on which academic model you believe. The only major god they brought with them was Zeus. The people who occupied Greece when Greeks conquered and syncretized their religion were either racially Semitic themselves, or were heavily influenced by Semitic culture through trade and migration via ship. So those people - the Pelasgians - already had the worship of Kronos/El among them when they entered Greece.
For the Levantine (Semite) peoples, El and Kronos were identical. Who was Kronos? Kronos was the Greek name of none other than the violent and bloodthirsty Roman god Saturn. Just like El in the Middle East, Saturn-Kronos in the Mediterranean mythology was the highest titan of the pantheon, the lord of the throne of heaven, a violent usurper who had defeated his own father for supremacy and a ruthless tyrant. Identical to El in the semitic religion, Saturn-Kronos was a god of harvest and agriculture and was also considered the Father of Time just as El was known as 'Father of Years' and 'Ancient of Days' in the pre-Israelite semitic texts and in some books of the Hebrew Bible. Besides, Saturn-Kronos was an infanticidal god who devoured children and his cult was characterized by human sacrifice and the offering of firstborn sons in holocaust. This would explain why we find some vestiges of the practice of human sacrifice and ritual infanticide in the jehovitic cult in the texts of the primary history of the Hebrew Bible. The main symbols of Saturn-Kronos were the scythe, the cross and the hexagon.