>>21443781>Stupid, silly cyclops. Walking straight into the tiger's jaws. >I don't suppose you know what this is? Masala thrusts a purple canister in Kanako's face.
>That's right, little miss wet work, it's Purple Haze! The most potent pepper spray on the market>Military grade, made from the infamous El Culo de Satanás pepper, over a billion Scoville units>One blast of this will take your eyebrows clean off>Now I know what you're thinking, 'that canister only has about six good squirts and she's probably used it at least half a dozen times now on the mansion's staff. So has she given them five squirts or six?'>Honestly, I've lost track myself. So you've got to ask yourself just one question, 'do I feel lucky?'>Well do you?>Bitch?Masala presses a button on the top of the canister, sending a blast of searing hot pepper spray straight into her own face.