>>18456568>too well positioned in life and have worked too hard for that.I feel you Man.
I got my nest egg and am NEVER going to fall in that trap again.
THe crazy thing is?
Once you get yourself set?
I can't even begin to describe how much money I have to just spend on Bullshit or just out right buy whatever I want.
From car parts.
Electronics etc.
The best part of all of it?
Say I want a Massage or feel sore after a workout.
I just pop into a shop, get that done and leave.
Even here in Oregon?
Spending $60 bucks on a full body massage is cheap when you don't have a cunt you are paying for.
When I get to S.E.A?
I'm just going to open up a massage shop, then employ the girls or dudes then go in and get free massages for myself.
Same thing with food.
Just open up a small bistro, then have other people pay for my Made to order meals that day.
Just keep it on the down-low that you are the owner and things will be Cake.
My next venture is to find where I can get the CHEAPEST power (likely Russia) and set up a data center in a Abandoned commie block building and set up a data center there in the Frozen as fuck Siberia.
So Negligible cooling costs.
Even with Old hardware?
I'm still going to make profit.
Life's rad man!
Start building your life so you never have to worry about money ever again.
Nothing is better then Security.