>>6489191Would love to hear more about his father and the connection between his legacy and little justins. I suffer from the American malady of not understanding the nuances of Canadian political history.
Trump was such a poison pill for the chans but a wonderful and needed stopgap against unchecked degeneration here in America. I don't know how much actual healing he will provide but the buffer of time he has created against the seemingly endless flow of corrosive (anti) social animus has been a godsend. It remains to be seen if Trump can make any real progress for us, but at least his slowdown or at least forced reformatting of the global agenda and splitting of the effective advance of (((certain interests))) has been entertaining. I'm sure others will carry on the torch, but I'm not a true believer or even supporter of Trump at this point but I'm not above recognizing his disruptive presence on the surface level political scene. What a long strange trips its been.