>>913808>I'll still be a small dicked, friendless loser.This is the biggest problem males who grew up on (((Hollywood))) and (((TV-shows))) have in the modern world - they base their worth and self esteen solely on external validation. All the dumb moovies and shows shove the "relationships", "love", all this stupid "hanging out with friends every evening" down your fucking throat. Oh and ofcourse sex, lots of fucking sex everywhere, not even mentioning porn.
Thing is - reality is not like that at all, there is no such thing as love between male and female, cumbuckets are just fucking chads and using the rest as a mealticket gibmedat machine.Living with a cumbucket is unbearable, say goodbye to your hobbys, freetime, comfort, dignity, friends, etc etc.
You will most likely never have a "true" friend, just some faggots to spend some time with and who will most likely bad mouth you behind your back if they feell like it.
Sex is not a magical, blissfull thing everyone makes it out to be, it can be nice, can also be pretty meh, and once you dump your load out, you will sometimes regret the whole thing, sex is overrated and you can live without it, all the fuss about it is dew to it being shoved in your face from everywhere 24/7.
To be happy you need none of the trash from above, you need to learn internal validation, you need to learn how to love yourself, to not give a fuck about anyone else's opinion, to listen only the "man in the glass". You need to find your own interests in life, something you will truly enjoy, something that you will look forward to after you are done with everything you need to do to get by.
At the end of the day, its all you have as a man - you, your interests, dreams, goals, achievements, your own little world, for rest of the world you are just a disposable utility.