>>19319778>>19319831Carmody smiles with a touch of discomfort as she remembers the limo ride.
>"Sapphire was there, all right, driving the limo. I thought she was gonna get us in a wreck, those things aren't made to handle like that! But no, she was fine that time. Did she ever say what her problem with me is?"She looks past Priscilla at Sola.
>"Sola, I'm right with you. All the way. The things Nikki's done to you are wrong, and I went after her on live TV for it, and I'd do it again. Things won't be right with me and her until she makes it right with you somehow, and if that's 'never' then that's how it is, but I'm on your side all the way."Realizing this is probably more intense than anything Priscilla wants to hear about Nikki right now, Carmody looks at her and winces.
>"I'm sorry for that, Pris. I know how that Nikki's important to you, and you don't wanna hear me talking that way about her. But just like we hope is gonna happen with Sapphire, things can get worked out sometimes, right?"Carmody is visibly relieved to change the subject to her family.
>"As far as my family goes, I bet you both get a chance to meet 'em at the wedding, if not sooner. Bree keeps threatening to drive down here and then shit comes up. He's all right. Loyal. Works hard. Smart but his mind's only got one or two tracks that he wears out. Really, we're ALL just regular folks from Arkansas. We're not anyone special. But they're special to me. .....I miss Colbers."That kind of came out of nowhere. Carmody takes another big drink.
>"But the Divine Angels, putting yourself together a family like that, all that makes a lot of sense after what you told me Priscilla. And it speaks to something I've been felt at the back of my mind for a while now."Carmody finishes her drink, sets it down, and turns to look directly at Priscilla.
>"You weren't just looking for models or even wrestlers when you brought those contracts to the Dojo, were you?"