>>12952456Many good insights. Screencapped.
Let me add a few of my thoughts about the particular strange relationship between Christianity and Judaism, touching on what you said.
Ancients of the World revered their gods while respecting the gods others revered. Ancient Hebrews also revered their god - Yahweh - but this god was different. It was an envious god.
> You shall not have other gods before meBut not only was it not enough for him to have his people revere him, other people not doing that made them lesser beings worthy of contempt or pity. This god was the manifestation of the ultimate, narcissistc chauvinism that embodied itself in this world through the Jewish tribe.
The other kind of ideal - ideal of objectivity - chose to express itself in this World through Whites. The same force which was pushing them to seek universal principles behind all phenomena and begot the fruit of math and science also brought to their minds the notion of objective morality, which occupied most of their philosopers ever since Plato.
What Jews deemed the highest and universal - Yahweh - through the combination of their subjectivity and narcissism, Whites deemed highest and universal through their objectivism. Completely opposite motivations led to the same conclusion: veneration of Yahweh, and the two different paths are called Judaism and Christianity.