Quoted By:
Former homelessfag here.
I now make $100K+ (including overtime) a year at a trade job where I learn as I work. I drive a new Charger and have enough to order pizza pretty much every night if I want to. This time last year, I was sleeping on a park pavilion in Texas and my only company happened to be huge roaches I would leave peanut butter out for to keep them off of me as I slept. Eventually, when it got a bit colder, they would finish their peanut butter and snuggle into my clothes for warmth, but at that point I didn't mind. Even cried a little when I came back "home" one night after work and saw someone had squished one of them. I'll never forget how their little antennas would peek out of the cracks when they knew I was back, knowing they'd be fed. Life gets better, but you have a headstart in having a roof over your head to begin with. I suggest you find an apprenticeship and get your ass in gear.