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IMAGINE A RACE so completely worthless that its main contributions to the kosher American clogged toilet are serving as sinecure figureheads, draining shekels from muh programs, committing crimes and then engaging in additional brigandage after the appalling content of their character is actually punished, an event becoming rarer by the day. This is the “African-American.” This is your god. Worship the pathological dark burden, make endless sacrifices to these dangerous genetic aliens. In a few years our cities will be indistinguishable from Zimbabwe, but it’s worth it to prevent being called names and maybe wringing a few more years of relative peace from the remains of a dead nation killed by the Jewish poisonous mushroom. Soon we’ll be hearing “500 shot in one weekend in Chicago” and “City burns during peaceful demonstrations after one arrest was made.” The days of bargaining for time and space are over. The dark nightmare created by appeasement and cowardice is here.
"Looters in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia ransacked a Walmart during the second night of protesting the shooting of an armed Black man on the city’s west side. Rioters broke pipes in the ceiling, flooding the store."