Take a primitive tribesman from anywhere in the world; one that has never seen an airplane, and were you to ask him what makes this device taxi across a runway or what keeps it suspended in the air; having absolutely no knowledge of the internal combustion that powers the plane, nor of the controlled explosions of hydrocarbons occurring in the engine, he would of course, point to the propeller and say the propeller moves the plane. Female nature is the propeller and traditionalism, the aileron of the plane. They facilitate movement of the plane by making flight more facile, but the engine powers the whole process. Steam and water do not provide nuclear power. Nuclear fission does. Gynocentrism is the engine. Let that sink in, then close the door.
Once you’ve comprehended this, the next question to ask is, what is the fuel supply? What does this engine run on? Well, the answer is quite simple—it runs on us. Men and women are the fuel and we are as unconscious of this as burning propane is to its own consumption. You see we enforce gynocentrism automatically. Gynocentrism is a completely organic process that is infused within the bio-psycho-sexual makeup of both the human male and female. It is not unjust laws, but is as inveterate and default as shutting off your mind after a long day of office drudgery, and heading straight home, forgetting that you had to go to the DMV. We are not conscious of it. That is what gynocentrism is and it is not some monolithic descendent of gynocentrism that we have identified as “Feminism”, but a “defaultive” unconscious human behavior. This is the instinctive programming of most men and women out there. Especially men like PPP and Warsky who dole out terrible, advice to men about women and marriage. These guys never make it to the DMV!