Quoted By:
>Well, gentlemen, we've done just about everything we can to make our proud nation of Canada seem as dumb as humanly possible
>We put stupid-ass looking beavers and geese and chipmunks on all our money to make it look dumb as all hell
>Then we took it a step further and made our paper dollars rainbow-colored so it looks like the currency of an all-homosexual caliphate
>We put a fucking leaf on our flag
>Not to mention we all have the world's most annoying accents, eh?
>Let's see... what else could we do to look incredibly stupid and lame to everyone in the world
>I mean, I really want the rest of the planet to look at Canadians and say "Wow, those guys sure are ass clowns, just blatant, unapologetic cocksuckers."
>Hey boss,
>I have an idea
>What if we put the milk in like
>A bag
>And then you'd just have like
>A bag of milk
>In the fridge
>That'd be really fucking retarded
>Woah, holy shit, check out Johnson over here, he's on fire
>Bagging milk is massively retarded
>Damn it, Johnson, you're a Canadian hero
>Put this man's face on the other side of a super-heavy moose coin worth $15
>One day gentlemen, our great-great-grandchildren will think of this moment as they pass legislation to suck off their dogs
>Oh man you guys this Canada thing is going to suck so much dick I can't wait to shit up North America with all of our faggotry
>Now let's all sign this nicely-worded letter to the Queen of England and ask if we can please be a country if that's okay with her
>If we're lucky, she'll just ignore it and forget we ever sent it