>All dese promos coming my vay, all de attention on me. I guess dat's vat to expect vhen you're about to have TWO title matches>Sorry for de delay in responding, it's just dat I honestly don't care all dat much about you people>anyvay, vhere to even begin? How about vit de least importanthttps://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/19025861/#q19036564>>19056201>>19056233>Masala. Poor desperate, little Masala. You really do vant to get your hands on dis title around my vaist don't you>Vell, at least you're making some real effort vit your promos, so I'll at least give you a response>Not a fan of Blood Rot are you? Eh, dat's ok, I guess it's a bit much for little kids to handle, maybe it's best you stick to stuff like Kidz Bop>And you're also hating on fårikål? Can't blame you honestly, I personally prefer delicacies like smoked salmon, or maybe venison steak, bloody raw>De only ting I'm really upset about is you implying I buy shit from Hot TopicAva's smile cracks a bit wider
>But now vat's dis I see? You tried to burn down a church just so I couldn't?>Ha... Ha ha ha ha ha, you really are full of surprises, Masala>But didn't I tell you? De vons here are tough, dey make dem from veird shit like stone and cement instead of vood>But still, maybe you're right dat I still von't be able to get it due to security>You might be right, I guess dat means I'll just have to enjoy von of my udder biggest pleasures>Hurting people, people like YOU>I hope you're ready, little girl