>>3973184Can vouch for the asian flush thing. Was worse when I was younger, now so bad now. Not really uncomfortable, I just don't drink like a madman.
My mum had it, me dad didn't. I got the gene, my brother didn't. Something about boiling water to sterilise it or something.
desu, it's probably a good thing. I have a "addictive personality", and if it wasn't for my reaction to alcohol, I probably would have ended up like George Best. An old Swedish friend of mine died over Christmas from alcohol. I'm not a doctor, but he drank till he was vomiting blood, twice. Don't know how the fuck that happens. Perforated lining or something. Second time it killed him. Towards the end was told the whites of his eyes were turning yellow, like jaundice. My old boss and the police found that his body had in bed for five days. So long Pete.