>>3531831TL;DR for each:
>Anonymous of Gensokyo was the first tripfag, currently runs by a name I cannot remember for the life of me and has since bestowed the title to a new user which has since vanished off the face of 4chan since July>King of Gets is started the digits hunting in the first place as well as trips and dubs. Has a KYM entry, though it's outdated.>chiru.no is made the chiru.no internet station and /cirno/, a board about /cirno/. Manx doesn't like him for some reason.No, but if I ever get the time to work on it again (never) there was this mod for Dwarf Fortress I've been working on for years I can give /bant/ if I ever complete it. I was thinking about hosting a game based on Dwarf Fortress's Arena Mode where anons would bet and spectate while I dumped the combat text depicting the action.