>>2140206People seem to forget that there are more areas to CALIFORNIA than the big cities, but they wouldn't know because they are yellow press virgins. Also blacks in California? Rarely see them, and when I do its down south. Muh spics? A lot are hard working, have a strong cultural identity and connection to their religion still, so what is the proble Fags? You've got that everywhere especially in big cities, where majority of the fags in this state reside. Mudslimes? Never seen them here. Far left brainwashing? Thats all public schools in the USA.
>>2140596San Andreas fault is a meme, we'll be fine. The cascade subduction zone is more worrisome.
Friendly reminder that the only states that matter in the Union are California, Texas and New York. Statelets/flyovers please contain your ass hurt now.
t. Rich califag