>>19366245Checked. The Chinese are the ultimate npcs. The problem is that they have no empathy to the point where they can't even be managed without screwing over eachother constantly. If you're trying to build a compliant society of robots but those robots are constantly fucking over one another then you're not going to get far as a society at all.
>That's very different from the middle east where everything is getting blown up the way it should because 70% of the neighborhood is nothing but vile liars through and through.When it comes to browns (poos) and blacks you end up with a compentancy crisis but in the case of the Chinese you end up with (((swindling))) crisis. This is why you see so much Chinese bullshit like "steel rebar" being used in construction that a person can break by hand. The middle east is just filled with the same vile shit that makes up the (((arabs))). Like you said, a lot of incompetence to where it will just go back to the stone age if left alone.