>>10904290actually there was a reason to explaining all that
u know how 'abs are made in the kitchen' says anyone with common sense
i found that be a partial truth, if ur not exercising ur body just adapts to what ur doing even if u use nicotine and caffeine to keep metabolism up
i found it to kind of work? i think the moral of the story is u need to really exrcise
however if ur quaffing burgers and coke all day don't even try that weight lifting routine isn't gonna help a guy eating 3000 calories a day
and sugar's worse than smoking u know. spikes ur insuline i believe i read so that gayway to weight gain is even bigger even if u eat less
all very interesting i think my body's fucked anyway but i still try
actually u hear of weirds who abuse laxatives to lose weight too
how would that work does it just pass through the system too quick for the body to pick it up? r those guys shitting out a half disgested or something lmao lmao
don't know