>>1119343>have it last forever This is a real fear I have with the current digital world: what if it was all lost? You can't print a youtube video like you can a document, so what will happen to all of the multi-media internet were it to all go flop?
A lot of stuff Jason Scott has put up wasn't just taken off floppies and tapes, but transcribed from printed versions. In fact Fidonews has a linebreak character so that the lineprinter knows when to start a new page.
http://www.textfiles.com/fidonet-on-the-internet/878889/fido0619.txtSee that character in he margin? " "? (it might not come up). That's to start a new page on the printer-side rather than the computer-side.
Picture is all of usenet for over a decade. Do you think someone has all of facebook or youtube on the shelf?