Disgraced Labour MP Fiona Onasanya has been urged to 'do the decent thing' and resign after she was jailed for three months.
The 35-year-old was found guilty of lying to police to dodge a speeding ticket but has so far refused to step down from her Peterborough seat.
Her constituents could force a by-election if 10 per cent of them sign a petition which is triggered automatically by the prison term.
But the petition cannot begin until Onasanya has appealed against her conviction, which could take months.
Onasanya, who has been expelled by the Labour Party, will continue to draw her £77,000 salary in prison if she does not vacate the seat.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6643401/Disgraced-former-Labour-MP-Fiona-Onasanya-face-jail-arrives-court-sentenced.htmlPetition calling on her to resign