>>15348326>Give me a reason to post my tits.Here : "There are no Girls on the internet."
To under that phrase, read the pic I posted.
Girls get free attention, in real life, for simply being a woman.
But here you're on the internet. We are not interacting with you face to face.
Therefore your Sex, being a Girl is either
- something completely Irrelevant to the conversation/topic at hand
- the only thing you bring to the conversation, and therefore we request to see them titties as a way to degrade your Female nature
This is not real life.
We have 0% expectations or even hope to sleep with you.
Therefore being a female does not give you any advantages and to regain that advantage, you need to show us your tits.
It's the rules.
The rules exist for a reason.
We don't make the rules, we just apply them, ma'am.
Thank you and goodbye.