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You guys tell me...
White, 6', ripped, big dick, make 80K, traveled, fucked over 20 girls, had fast cars & motorbikes etc, smart, funny, red pilled AF, but...
>moved back home
>haven't had sex for a year (foreign women have made me blackpilled on western feminised sluts)
>in debt
>black sheep of my family
>lost touch with all my old friends
>only own a piece of shit car
>nothing makes me happy anymore
>want to escape the west and die a selfish hedonist overseas, cos that's the only time I was truly happy
>love reading pol and want 4th Reich & race war, but don't think it will ever happen. Most of my generation is utterly fucking cucked, asleep, and comfy that way
If you read this and think I'm a fucking loser, at least give me a (you) out of pity when you call me a faggot. Thanks m8s