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/sig/ is one of the most important things that we can have, many fear it because it brings men close to the male ideal, in realistic terms, with realistic expectations, and realistic help. It is not for neets, or for drug users. Whoever completes its course becomes worthy of respect. And becomes another being.
It is not tied to capitalism, it is not tied to consumerism. Its ideological roots resemble those on the outside that are healthy, and willing to grow, and to compete.
and the worst part of it is that it doesnt have to be political of sorts. Self improvement, and doing sports are kinda neutral. You dont have to kill jews and niggers to be great with it. You start to look healthy, and huge, and many people outside become jealous. The ones calling us incel see with their own eyes that we are not that anymore. It completely breaks all stereotyping of us, breaks their narrative too. And it makes us actually want to find challenge, in work, in life, in many things.
That is why its getting deleted. In the end many can see its splendor, and can comprehend traditionalism, struggle and a bunch of other difficult to comprehend fascist/natsoc concepts. Which is why they obviously also hate us. But what they dont realize is, that for the perspective change that it does to you, you also grow fonder of those who are like you in society, like the muslims, who fast, who avoid drugs, who in some sense also strife to self improve.
these fucking kikes, lefties and normies always issue challenges to us to actually do something what they perceive as worthy of envy. When we actually do it, and when we dont shoot up things like retards, they want to ban all of us instantly, all the time. It truly does speak volumes. They want to make a spectacle out of us, something to laugh at, and keep us that way, they dont want themselves to become a spectacle lol
Because that is what happens when you are done with sig. You start to laugh at them, and dont even think of shooting them.