>>2033951>>2033936>Integrity>(Job 1:8) And Jehovah went on to say to Satan: “Have you set your heart upon my servant Job, that there is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad?”>(Job 1:9-11) At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: “IS IT FOR NOTHING JOB HAS FEARED GOD?" 10Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. 11But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.”>(Job 2:4,5) But Satan answered Jehovah and said: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. 5) For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.”After Adam Eve, Cain Abel, Noah Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and RIGHT BEFORE the rise of Moses and the 10 Plagues was the issue of Job. At the time JOB WAS THE ONLY GOD APPROVED PERSON ON EARTH. That's right, nobody was good on Earth except Job. Satan noticed that for a while there always continued to be humans loyal to God and wondered why. He reasoned up above that it was because God was bribing them with rewards, pleasures, and nice things. That humans were only loyal to God for rewards and not for sincere love of him. Satan challenged God in from of the angels to "thrust out your hand" and "hurt" him. Deny him all good things and watch as how Job turns against him. "Skin on behalf of skin" means that a man will throw away all of God's moral standards to save their own life. So God has allowed Satan to inflict pain and suffering on humanity to prove that humans will be loyal to God IN RETURN FOR NOTHING.