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It makes me feel retarded that I was legitimately mad at her. It wasn't even really that she got a boyfriend, albeit I was a tad bit jealous. I was mostly mad at her for tearing up her golden ticket and throwing it in the trash. I felt a weird kinship with her. We both have similar interests and come from very similar situations. It made me feel good to see her getting close to "making it", so seeing how she's acted over the last 2 months really made me sick.
But yesterday Xavier asked her if her boyfriend made her happy. She thought about it for a split second, then nodded her head, got a genuine smile, and just said "yeah". She really is genuinely smitten with him. Even though she's an edgy mid 00s skater girl, she's ultimately still a girl, and they all just want to be loved. So even if it is retarded, and she's throwing away thousands of dollars in free money, she's at least choosing love over money, and I can not fault her for that.
and Jordan, well played and I'm glad /oneofus/ got /ourgirl/. Just don't be retarded and hurt her. She's a special cat.
Relationship ended with Tayleigh, Betty is fishfu now.